Thursday, October 29, 2009


We had agreat fundraiser idea with halloween candy grams, but we didn't sell enough so it failed. But we may have some new members so thats a plus.

student council

Yeah student council is going the same as prom comm where I haven't been keeping up. I had to miss the last meeting, i forgot to put up my poster until the last minute, and I can't help- with setup.

prom comm

We are doing the spirit day fundraiser tomorrow, that should be a great success. I feel bad because I keep missing meetings but at the same time I'm missing everything because all the stuff I'm involved in is having these huge events and then everything outside of school work is going crazy and I'm just feeling very overwhelmed and stressed right now to the point where I'm just shutting down. But I feel like I should be pushing myself harder because I dropped so many activities already. And now the chili idea is going to be canceled because me and every other prom comm member forgot to sign up and I was really looking foreword to it and I feel bad that we let the Hyers down and I feel bad because I'm letting all my other clubs down, and I missed my 3+ early app deadlines, and I'm barely getting homework done, and my ee is a mess, and I keep losing and forgetting things, and teachers keep putting all major assignments on the same day, and my whole at home life is driving me crazy, and golf is coming to a close and I keep missing school events, and I still don't have a licence, and now I'm rambling about things that have nothing to do with prom comm except that their keeping me from it. So I don't know what to do about prom comm except hang on to it desperately and hope everything settles down.


There have been no hiking trips because we have been unable to solidify a final cape hike date. Right now we're looking at Nov. 14th.

Friday, October 9, 2009


The last meeting went alright, we only had half attendance but we're really getting a move on with starting to fundraise, much better than last year :)

student council

Jade and Jake won. I kind of knew they would but I still wanted to win. But I'm glad they won because Jake is great art reaching out to people but hes also a great listener and Jade has so many great ideas and shes very organized and efficient. I still get to bve and admin. so I guess thats ok... I'm happy for Jake and Jade.

Prom comm.

Open house was a huge success, we raised over 500 dollars. I felt a little uninvolved because I was watching the academic teams table. But I did mention my octoberfest idea, I had wanted to do it for another club, but we couldn't, and molly and mrs.hyer and I were able to put it together into a real possibility, I'm so excited. Then we thouht of the idea where we would get some companies like party lights and silpada and arbonne to come and do a show/ sale type thing, we could make so much money. Also, yesterday afternoon, we scoped out the cape codder. It wasa beautiful place, the room was nice and air conditioned, the layout wqas great. But the room will be very dim, there's no windows, and the colorscheme isn't so good. But we'll make it work, thats our job. I'm very excited.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The first meeting went great we have a bunch of new members. But I couldn't go to the second meeting because I had to see guidance so it all went down in flames again, as long as it doesn't end like last year, I'll be ok.

student council

I am now running with Chandler as my vp. He made us a really awesome poster and he has some great ideas so I'm happy to be running with him. We're giving speeches at lunch today, I'm not that nervous, I don't have much prepared but I have a general idea of what I'm gonna say.

prom comm

Black and white new york won! So now we ahve a prom theme. We are working on fundraisers:
The tddi bruschi helmet wont be in until later but ew still have the palios fundraiser for open house. We are also planning a huge yard sale for parent teacher confrences. The prom will be on the 29th at the cape codder, I want to visit but my golf scheduel is so messed up that I have no idea what I'll be doing after school on any given day... but overall we've got a great start this year.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hiking 2009-10

We had our first hike of the year already! The first half was great, I was suprised at how well my muscels held out. THen the second half was miserable. It rained, we had to backtrack for 2 miles, it poured, we had to cross a freaky military base, we were cold and wet and tired and hungry, and we had to bushwhack for 1/4 of a mile in brambles. Butwe kept going and looking back overall it was very adventurous and I got some graet pictures on my phone. And I was barely sore.

EFA 2009-10

We are off to an awesome start- posters are up, announcemaent is out and we are having a big event on wed 23 so I cant wait. We'll do much better this year, we cant really do worse than the 160$ from last year- that was abismall. So I cant wait to see what we can do for the children! I vow to ber abetter leader in every way!

Prom Committee 2009-10

So far we've picked the top 5 themes- 2 of wich are mine :) and we got our budget but we need to make 5000 dollars. Also I have some great ideas for favors like placeholder plaques for arranged seating, and I said that we should do a football item this year because it is the season so we are working on getting a signed football item. Its so much more fun this year because I'm a senior so its more like our prom than last year. Everyone did a great job coming up with themes- I can't wait to see the final choice.

Student Coucil 2009-10

Today we went over who gets to run for what postion, i really like how everyone is raising their hands and working together rather than acting like a mob. Marjorie and I are running for prz and vp respectively. I'm excited, we laid the groundwork for activities at the last meeting and now we can get started as soon as the votes are in. I'm scared because we have some really tough competion and I really want to win because I love this school so much and I really want to give back to it as much as I can.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Prom was a huge success!!!!! we got completely setup except for the baloons which came late. I could blab about how much fun i had but that has nothing to do with the committee....

most fun yet

I think this last hike was the most fun yet. We saw som old light houses. We got to walk along 70ft cliffs desperatly hanging onto protruding shrubbery as the ground kept falling from beneath our feet. We got to run throgh 1.5 miles of bushes which tore my legs to ribbons and covered my ankles in ticks. We got to walk in the rain and through an incredibly creepy abandonned army base that scared me. We got to be followed by swarms of mosquitoes for a mile and come up with funny nicknames for eachother. We got to run on the beach and chase seagulls. All this we did while making great time, with me at the front 90% of the time until... The last 100 ft noah just started runnin and then miles started runnin but i wanted to win so i started runin, but we were on sand and got tired after 25 ft. and continued walking another 25 then run 25. Then we get to the bottom of this last hill to the patrking lot and i was in third with noah in first so i started running and passed him but then he passed me again so i grabbed his backpack and threw him backwards into miles who apparently in the process odf falling pushed noah back up so that he ran the last 10 ft and beat me. but im the real winner.

an unhappy ending

I guess the year is gonna end on a down note for EFA. I feel that I have failed to lead this group and manage my time for it in an effective way. We have raised over $100 of our goal of $1000. These past 2 weeks I have failed to notify group members of their tasks and to get an announcement out for the video showing which will be the starter for next year. We didn't have and awareness night. We did do the mother's day baskets but that didnt sell so well. we will finish the year by selling food at final exams. I feel like I should have given more but it was just so hard with the lack of support. We never used key club b/c they were so busy with their own stuff. But I guess this maens that next year we can just try all the harder. Ms carmen wants us to join her advisory so we can have regular meetings but noone likes the idea, we all chose our advisories because they had something to give us. I feel like, and I feel awful saying it, astronomy is more important to me than Efa because it's what I'm considering as my future career. I love what I'm trying to do and I'm sad to realise that it has to come second. I tried so hard and it came down to so little, which makes me think I need to work harder, but I don't know if I can really give much more. I tried and sometimes it's good to fail because then you can learn from your mistakes. I learned that it's much easier to be like 2nd in command than 1st.

Field Day postponed

Field day was postponed due to the weather. This means that all the food and stuff had to be frozen or tossed. Mr patterson has been unable to get a hold of McD's this year for the soda machine and large cooler. We haven't had a meeting yet becaues we keep waiting for the day before field day....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mcas Prep...

I was teaching freshman MCAS prep for science. It was really cool to teach, I taught a class of 15 Mondays and Tuesdays at lunch. At that point I was going a little crazy because I had no free lunches. I made it through the first week but then this past Monday Mrs. Gallo notified me that she had received a complaint from a parent that the class was being taught by a student and not a teacher. This went she would have to sit in on every class and the whole point of getting a student to do it was so that she could get other work done. So we decided it was pointless for me to continue with the teaching since she would probably get more done and I didn't need the CAS. I'm grateful for the experience because I'm considering teaching science as a proffesion, but more at the university level.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

student council volonteer

Mr. Sturgis was a huge success. I sold tickets that day at lunch and helped set up before the show and the I sold refreshments. It was hard to have everyone work together without Grobs there but we managed. Now we're planning field day which is next Wednesday.

Three Cups of Tea

Our last project was selling mothers day baskets last week. We sold about 20 tickets so we made $20 because Mary's mom donated the items. We were supposed to have a meeting yesterday but I had a guidance counseler, and unfortunately none of the other members could find each other. I feel bad because I feel like this is such an important cause we're working towards, but we're not making very much progress. I feel like it's my fault because I'm the one who's planned and initiated this activity. No one has seemed to mind the location of where the schools are being built, so there hasn't been any ethical complications. I think we just need to keep trying our best because I'm sure any way we can help is still much appreciated. I feel like I need to work on my leadership skills, but I hate being a leader, I feel more comfortable as second in command or a leader's assistant.

prom committee

It has been mostly the same situation during the past week, getting in decorations and putting stuff together. Last weekend I folded the invitations and put them in the envelopes, but I couldn't help out after school yesterday because it was my last tennis practice. I didn't realise that most of the work was in the beginning with fundraising.


We hiked from Dennis to Brewster last time, it was the best hike yet. We start out on our usual terrain and it was a beautiful day. Then we got to the Brewster flats, so we got to walk along the beach for a good while, it was beautiful. Then we followed some normal terrain for a while again before switching to the marsh, dum dum duuum. We had to walk across this huge expanse of marsh land and we couldn't cut through because it was so wet in the middle and every time we turned a corner there was another stretch waiting. So since we definitely weren't gonna lose each other in that place I just started walking really fast, just to see how fast and far I could go, I was really booking it, I was even outwalking our guide so I had to keep stopping and waiting up for him so I could check that we were supposed to keep going. I definitely did the best on this hike out of any of the others, it has gotten easier every time since I started.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

S.T.A.G.E. - Learning Outcome 2

I achieved learning outcome 2, undertaking new a challenge. I have never done anything like being the scenes work for a real play. I took theater in 10th grade but I didn't do so well with the actual acting part. Then I helped out at the haunted house but that wasn't a play. This time I was really taking part in the costume design and keeping things going back stage.

S.T.A.G.E. - Learning Outcome 8

As part of this new challenge I also achieved learning outcome 8, developed a new skill. I learned how to be a back stage worker/ costume liaison for a play. I didn't think it would be that hard but it was a serious job. I had to wear black when backstage so I could blend into the shadows- I always wondered why they did that, I had to sow under pressure, and I had to move through the curtains without being seen.

S.T.A.G.E. - Learning Outcome 4

I also achieved learning objective 4, work collaboratively with others. I had to work with multiple people who were other backstage crew. I had to work with tildy, mia k, and ms. hike when coming up with the costumes. I had to work with chelsea and mia k, when setting up and selling tickets, and I had to work with tom when sowing his dress with out stabbing his spine with my needle.


I had planned to help out as a stage hand for the afterschool drama club, but instead I ended up becoming the head of costumes and partial directors assistant. The outcome for me was a better job than id even wanted and the chance to give everyone else a helping hand so we could put on what was most definitely an excellent performance. I felt important because i got a snobby title like costume liaison but i mostly just had a lot of fun watching the actors and everybody. I had to make sure that everyone had the right costumes and looked good before going out and i was ms. hikes assistant in a way, i also sold tickets and refreshments to the customers. I perceived that there was a lot more going into a simple performance than i had ever known but i was grateful gto be a part of it. I think its a great activity and everyone should get the experience. This activity taught me a lot about theater and i feel i really helped out a lot. My goal was ok, i just didn't know what to expect. One time Kathleen forgot her costume so i whipped her up one right on the spot and she liked it even better than the other. I think doing helper work like that is always a good experience that everyone should go through.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Quebec Trip Photos

I have achieved objective 4, work collaboratively with others. I had to work with Marjorie because she was my fellow photographer. Mr. Hyer helped us get a couple cameras and then edited the pictures and put them on Picasa. Madame O'Keefe let us use her camera when ours stopped working.