Saturday, November 1, 2008

Haunted House - The Big Night

I had planned to do behind the scenes work and donate to the haunted house. I helped build the scene, donated props and candy, and during the performance I worked with admittance up front and painted faces in the kids room. The outcomes were that we raised a lot of money, people who went through it loved the haunted house, and everyone had a lot of fun doing it. I felt bad when I didn't help as much, stressed when we were setting up, awesome during the first night, a little bored and stressed on the second. I interacted with the whole cast as we went through runthroughs and got everything set up and I interacted with the customers by taking their money and painting their faces. I perceived that I enjoyed working with STAGE very much and that during the shows parents seem to underestimate how scared their kids get. I thought the activity was stressful because there were a lot of things that had to be done but I also think it was an awesome activity and I really enjoyed doing it and getting to help the school. This activity means a lot to me, I met many new people who I would have never met and I found out that I love to help and take directions and get stuff done, it's fun for me. The value of this activity is that we entertained a lot of people and really got the school involved in the community. This activity benefited STAGE with all the money we raised and it benefited the school because we're becoming more popular in the area and it benefited the people who came and had a good time and got to see the expressions on their kids faces. This activity met Learning outcome 4 because I definitely had to work with many other people to get this up and running and I really appreciate all their help, everyone was great. This activity also meets learning outcome 7 because we definitely had to consider the ethical implications of scaring little kids; we built a whole separate area for them but all the parents wanted to drag them through the haunted house and we had a lot of families interrupting the tours because they had to leave which ruined it for other groups they passed on the way out. My goals weren't too high or low but I wouldn't call what I did exactly behind the scenes so I guess I didn't meet that part. We had too many difficulties to remember. The time difficulty was overcome because we just opened a little later so we could get everything set up. The minor problems were overcome but we had to keep stopping tours. Our shortage of people was overcome by replacements. I learned that some people refuse to listen to others like when parents wouldn't listen to us or their kids, which is a good lesson to learn young so you know there are people out there like that. Also I learned that I love to help, which is a great thing because most jobs entail helping in some way shape or form. I can't wait to continue my work with STAGE.

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